Search found 3 matches
- Fri Sep 13, 2024 1:19 pm
- Forum: FlyTampa-Copenhagen
- Topic: FlyTampa MSFS - Jetways not working
- Replies: 0
- Views: 4861
FlyTampa MSFS - Jetways not working
Hi Team and lads, unfortunatly, the Jetways do not work properly at all? Some of the Stand have a working Jetways, some dont. Is there perhaps MSFS interfering? I use GSX might there be a setting too? For example Stand A12 has a working jetway for me but A15 not? o_O I mean I payed for a product tha...
- Wed May 29, 2024 5:06 am
- Forum: FlyTampa-Amsterdam
- Topic: FlyAmsterdam updates [MSFS]
- Replies: 24
- Views: 33682
Re: FlyAmsterdam updates [MSFS]
Hi, Thanks for the fast reply. I have not had issues since day one with MSFS 2020 and all other scenerys I have bought the same day, are working perfectly fine. My MSFS is issue free since the complete fresh install about two months ago and my PC is a pretty powerful machine. Due to this I doubt tha...
- Tue May 28, 2024 1:16 pm
- Forum: FlyTampa-Amsterdam
- Topic: FlyAmsterdam updates [MSFS]
- Replies: 24
- Views: 33682
Re: FlyAmsterdam updates [MSFS]
Hi Team, i bought EHAM via Simmarket recently and with each re-installation, there is trees on the entire Scenery. Yes I have deleted the Cache and I have uninstalled the MSFS EHAM Airport but still this issue exists. Another major issue in my case is, that there is no real "uninstall" fil...