Serious Texture problem

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Posts: 3

Serious Texture problem

Post by flyguy9876 » Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:56 pm


I just bought KMDW today and installed it with no issues. However once I launched FSX to check out the scenery I had no runway/taxi way markings and none of the jet ways were present. All I do get are a few of the default FSX markings for the displaced threshold, but no centerlines or taxi markings. In fact most of the ground textures appear to be default FSX stuff. The buildings are clearly FT's, and I can see the rectangle markings where the jetways should be, but no jetways what so ever. I un-installed then reinstalled the airport several times since to no avail. Each time I have re-installed the airport I get the same thing, no runway/tax textures, besides some of the default FSX stuff. Does any one have a solution that might help.

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