FPS loss at KMDW

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Posts: 25

FPS loss at KMDW

Post by BrzI » Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:43 am

Just reinstalled all my FT FSX sceneries - total of 8.

I have good FPS on all except at Midway. When it loads initially it is at 40 FPS .
Once AI loads it drops to 12-13.
I then disable AI but for whatever reason it does not jump back up to where it was before UT2 kicked in. It stays at 12-13 even though there is no AI in sight. I have both GSX and AES enabled for this airport. I tried disabling AES but no change.

I can understand the huge FPS drop due to a lot of AI traffic. What I do not understand is why the FPS does not come back when I turn AI traffic off completely ?

Any thoughts ?
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