Hi there,
I bought EHAM for XPlane and unsing the universal installer to install it into XP12. But it is not showing up. Whats wrong?
0:01:00.628 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0:01:00.628 E/SYS: | Beim Laden des Szeneriepakets ist ein Problem aufgetreten:
0:01:00.628 E/SYS: | Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Amsterdam_0_airport/
0:01:00.628 E/SYS: | Die Szenerie wird eventuell nicht korrekt angezeigt.
0:01:00.628 E/SYS: | Bitte sehen Sie sich die Datei Log.txt näher an, um eine detaillierte Information zum Fehler zu erhalten.
0:01:00.628 E/SYS: | (io_dsf.cpp:1189)
0:01:00.628 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EHAM XP12 not showing up
Re: EHAM XP12 not showing up
No idea anyone?
Does anybody uses this scenery successfully in Xplane12 and had the same problem before and know how to solve it?
Meanwhile I think this scenery has a problem with the lates XPlane 12.5 version which has not yet been tested with the current 1.2 version of EHAM
Does anybody uses this scenery successfully in Xplane12 and had the same problem before and know how to solve it?
Meanwhile I think this scenery has a problem with the lates XPlane 12.5 version which has not yet been tested with the current 1.2 version of EHAM
Re: EHAM XP12 not showing up
It works 'fine' (except for horrid performance) for me in 12.05.
-check if you havce the latestr version
-check is SAM3 is installed, the scenery needs SAM assets I believe..
-check if you havce the latestr version
-check is SAM3 is installed, the scenery needs SAM assets I believe..
Re: EHAM XP12 not showing up
I do not have X-Plane but in your message the error is pointing towards a Datei Log.txt file. Maybe this file can shed more light on the issue?
Re: EHAM XP12 not showing up
thanks for the hint with SAM3. I did not know that this plugin was needed to display the scenery. It was not installed before. Too bad that flyTampa does not include a manual where this is stated.